Tuesday, June 14, 2011


      This week is the last week that I stay in America. After this quarter, I will go back to China. I can not believe that I had been here for four months. I appreciate for the teachers' patience teaching and I enjoy studying with my friendly classmates. I am so lucky that I meet such nice people here. I had a great time here. However,the time flies and I must say goodbye to America. I know that it is not easy to say goodbye because I love this country and I love the people who helped me a lot. I remember when I came here at the first time, I could not speak English very well. I thought that I hardly made friends in these four months because of my poor English. However, they encouraged me and gave me the confidence to try again and again. Luckily, I feel better than ever before and I improve a lot now. I love study here because teachers are so kind. They teached the knowledge and shared the experience with us. I have to say that I enjoy the school life here.I must admire the American's beautiful scenery, and it is a wonderful experience to have a round trip in America. When I go back to China, I will miss everything here. It is a perfect experience that stay here for four months.Thank you for everything.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chinese university's disadventages are different between the American

One coin has both sides.  Chinese university’s disadvantages are different between the American university’s disadvantages.  There are some disadvantages in Chinese university.  Firstly, this kind of education is not scientific, because the real education should include many aspects: not only the cultural knowledge on books, but also the developing of the morality, character.  The physical quality and the mental quality are all needed to be developed during the education.  The education should be  improved.  The kind of education can only produce students with high marks and short of social ability.  These kinds of youths cannot be a qualified people because they lack the human qualities and civilization, they are more likely to be robots without soul, only knowing how to earn money by anyway.  These are not good for the society.  However, the tuition fee in America is very high.  So many American students lose the chance to university.  American university education system is not very suitable to the students’ job.  For instance, many careers in many parts of the world, an American education simply does not provide the appropriate preparation. After the students’ graduation, the students can not find the job easily.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Contrast of Chinese and American University

       There are a lot of different advantages between Chinese university and American university.  China has a lot of very large universities and the scenery is very beautiful.  The students of Chinese university will have great fun.  What the knowledge they learnt from the teachers are very easy.  Therefore, their burden of study is not very heavy.  They also have time to do what they want to do.  For instance, they can find the part-time job, watching the movie, passing other documents and so on.  In the class, students don’t allowed to talk and they don’t permitted to argue with the professors.  What they can do just listen to the professors so that they can keep the class quiet.  Their final exams are very simple.  For example, the teachers will give the main point about the exams so what students can do just remember the answers.  However, this situation is not appear on American university.  We hear about the informality in an American class from time to time. For instance, American professors do not dress up and they generally call students by their first names.  Students can speak out in class, where they do not even need to raise their hands.  In addition, in many schools, students can drink coffee, tea or juice during classes.  American students sometimes argue with their teachers in class, give teachers suggestions on things that need changing, or even criticize their ideas.

Friday, April 22, 2011

last weekend

I with my friends went to Disneyland last Saturday. We had great fun there. I felt very excited so that I had taken a lot of photoes. The Disneyland which I went is near to Los Angeles. We stayed there from 10am to 10pm. So we stayed there almost for 12 hours. When I was taking bus to the Disneyland, I could not help to wait to see it. Disneyland has eight themed areas or "lands" that host various shops, restaurants, live entertainment, and attractions. We just went to one of those themed areas and its' name is Disneyland park. This was my first time to Disneyland and I was surprised to see such lovely carton such as Mickey, Minnie and so on. I also took the picturee with them. The first of Walt Disney's ventures, Disneyland Park is 85 acres of everything I love about Disney - from the whimsical characters that dominate the rides and roam the walkways to the sophisticated "animatronics" that wow visitors, no matter how many times they've been there. The part which I love is the space moutain. We sit in a train and this train took us into a dark room with high speed. In the room,we could see a lot of stars. It was very beaueiful and it was unbelievable.What I could do in that room was to scream.  I promise that I had never play such excited game before. After finishing the game,I want to play again. But the time was ilmited,I gave up my thought. I think Disneyland has a larger cumulative attendance than any other theme park in the world so it can attract so many people to have a visit here every year. At that day,I also took the  Disneyland Railroad to visit around. The Disneyland is very large and I must take 5days to have fun here but I can't. If someone want to have a visit in Disneyland,what suggestion I can give you is that you must not miss the fireworks. Elaborate fireworks shows synchronized with Disney songs and often have appearances from Tinker Bell or Dumbo, flying in the sky above Sleeping Beauty Castle and those presentations have become more elaborate, featuring new pyrotechnics, launch techniques and story lines. I was confused about that the fireworks used by a new air launch pyrotechnics system, reducing ground level smoke and noise and decreasing negative environmental impacts. However,it was fantastic. I would not want to go back home even though I was so tired. Therefore,that day was a wonderful day. I hope I will have a chance come here again.

last weekend