Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chinese university's disadventages are different between the American

One coin has both sides.  Chinese university’s disadvantages are different between the American university’s disadvantages.  There are some disadvantages in Chinese university.  Firstly, this kind of education is not scientific, because the real education should include many aspects: not only the cultural knowledge on books, but also the developing of the morality, character.  The physical quality and the mental quality are all needed to be developed during the education.  The education should be  improved.  The kind of education can only produce students with high marks and short of social ability.  These kinds of youths cannot be a qualified people because they lack the human qualities and civilization, they are more likely to be robots without soul, only knowing how to earn money by anyway.  These are not good for the society.  However, the tuition fee in America is very high.  So many American students lose the chance to university.  American university education system is not very suitable to the students’ job.  For instance, many careers in many parts of the world, an American education simply does not provide the appropriate preparation. After the students’ graduation, the students can not find the job easily.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Contrast of Chinese and American University

       There are a lot of different advantages between Chinese university and American university.  China has a lot of very large universities and the scenery is very beautiful.  The students of Chinese university will have great fun.  What the knowledge they learnt from the teachers are very easy.  Therefore, their burden of study is not very heavy.  They also have time to do what they want to do.  For instance, they can find the part-time job, watching the movie, passing other documents and so on.  In the class, students don’t allowed to talk and they don’t permitted to argue with the professors.  What they can do just listen to the professors so that they can keep the class quiet.  Their final exams are very simple.  For example, the teachers will give the main point about the exams so what students can do just remember the answers.  However, this situation is not appear on American university.  We hear about the informality in an American class from time to time. For instance, American professors do not dress up and they generally call students by their first names.  Students can speak out in class, where they do not even need to raise their hands.  In addition, in many schools, students can drink coffee, tea or juice during classes.  American students sometimes argue with their teachers in class, give teachers suggestions on things that need changing, or even criticize their ideas.